As per IS 1363, 1364, 1367, 3757, 6623, 3138, 3640, 6639
As per IS 5624
As per IS 730
As per IS 1365, 8412, 8353, 6761
As per IS 2269, 2388
As per IS 1120, 6736, 6739, 6760
As per IS 7169, 7170, 7173
As per IS 1862
As per IS 3063, 6735, 4072
As per IS 2016, 6649, 5370, 5372, 5374, 5369
As per IS 2232, 5368, 7002
As per IS 1929, 2155, 2998, 2907
As per IS 549, 2638
All types of Fasteners as per customer’s drawings and specifications and as per relevant Indian Standard specification from 6mm to 100mm Dia.
All our Fasteners are manufactured in Mild Steel, Alloy Steel, Stainless Steel, Brass and Copper as per IS/BS/DIN/SAE/ASTM/JIS specifications and in different grades.
All our Fasteners are supplied coated with anti-corrosive oil. As per customer’s need. Fasteners may be supplied in electrogalvanised, Hot Dipped Galvanised, Nickle Plated, Cadmium Coated and Phosphate coated conditions.